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This initiative for co-creation, collaboration, healing and sharing is
specifically created as a safe and nourishing space for women, to land and feel at home.
A place where you can to get to know yourself better,
and connect to other like-minded women who are genuinely interested in
supporting each other and making our world a better place, together.
This space is a home where our hearts beat as one
yet our expressions may manifest differently and the
joy in the diversity and richness of that expression is so precious
as we all learn from each other,
grow and evolve together.
Here we will learn more about uncovering our inner wisdom and activate
more self-healing, self-compassion and cultivate and awaken more
wisdom compassion to nourish others.

relax. restore. Rest.
Powerful Restorative Practices to support whole-being well-being

know the ways
of women.
- Japanese proverb

women are
Collaborate Connect
Share Grow Thrive
The Women's Wisdom Collective is the culmination of many years of inspiration,
work and collaboration between women from all over the world
creating supportive meaningful programmes over the past 20 years.
This initiative for co-creation, collaboration, healing, serving, and sharing is specifically
created as a safe and nourishing space for women, to land and feel at home.
It is dedicated to the wellbeing and healing of all women for body, mind
and heart to offer empathy, care and support in an open-hearted
spirit of collaborative strength.
Collaborators are carefully selected who embody the qualities of compassion, kindness,
generosity, integrity, humility and strength and who wish to support and nurture others, and each other,
and genuinely encourage each other as women to thrive.

Our collaborators include individuals, charitable organisations,
entrepreneurs, teachers, healers. And also women
often shy to step up by themselves and shine their light.
But together, we are stronger and can share our
gifts with others generously.
In a safe space, we create a harmonious platform for those
who care, have stories and wisdom to share, and teach practical tools to live a more balanced, nourishing and fulfilling life.
Six Qualities illustrated as a flower
Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
The root is wisdom and stability.
The stem is principles and carefulness.
The branches are honesty and trustworthiness.
The leaves are appreciation and endeavouring to benefit others.
The flower is trust and generosity
The fruit is happiness and good reputation.
These are indispensable qualities for all human beings.
for our updates
email for more info

It is the life-blood of this Collective to work together and create a platform, a sanctuary
to cultivate deeper compassion and kindness of shared insights. To create more meaningful impact and
embrace more wisdom from ancient traditions and contemporary applications for wellbeing and peace of mind.
A place where you can share your gifts and make an impact on the lives of other women.
And to get to know yourself better, and connect to other like-minded women
who are genuinely interested in supporting each other
and making our world a better place, together.
This space is a home where our hearts beat as one.
The joy is in the diversity and richness of everyone's expression
and the work they wish to share in the world,
like a beautiful fragrant bouquet.
We all learn from each other,
grow, evolve and serve together.
Here we will learn more and share with other women about the journey of uncovering our
inner wisdom and activate more self-healing,
awaken deeper self-compassion and cultivate richer
compassion to nourish others.
women are
If you feel that you would like to collaborate, and believe your intentions are aligned with our vision, please get in touch and let us know more about you, and the work
you would like to share in the world.

Our deep passion is grounded in humanitarian outreach projects:
Himalayan refugees making shawls - purchased directly in India
Malas - Tiruvanamalai supporting a women's community & village initiative
Slovo Centre of Excellence Toy Library
Shwe Shwe gift bags made by local entrepreneur and sewing circle in South Africa
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